May 22, 2013

PokerStars studying measures to prevent ratholing

Experienced players know well this term, which gives the action when a player has a stack on a table out, and soon afterwards enters another table with a stack below. In a statement published on 2 +2, a representative of the room admits are studying a solution to avoid this problem.

The comprehensive statement of PokerStars Steve, follows the monthly meetings that the room is maintained with a set of players, to improve its offering and services.

Speaking specifically of ratholing, Steve says "we want to find a solution rather than a preventive punitive. Punish players creates a negative experience for customers who may not know the rules. And also consumes a lot of resources."

Since then the first challenge is to "define precisely the behavior we want to finish so that the behavior that we want to allow, not included. Want to create both a verbal definition easily understood by poker players and a corresponding technical definition that can be applied in our software. "

The solution we are working on is called "stack identity". If a player sits at a table with 40BB 40-100 bb, and leave the table with 67bb, would now have the identity for # 1 in tables 40-100 bb 67 bb's. Each player is entitled to a fixed number of stacks for each type of table, and the table type varies according to the buy-in.

The identity stack will have a time limit, yet to be defined. For now the leaders of the room intending to apply this standard from 18 to 20 hours.

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