Mar 16, 2013

News in the Full Tilt lobby - Irish Poker and Five Card Stud

The Full Tilt Poker released a new update of its software this week, which highlighted the two new modes - 5 Card Stud Poker and Irish. In addition to these innovations, the tournaments are to brief Escalator, in which time the blinds will increase over the course of the tournament.

The 5 card stud, is similar to 7 card stud, only to receive a letter that only we see, then 4 cards face up. The best combination of 5 cards wins.

The Irish Poker promises plenty of action because each player is dealt four cards, and after the flop, you must descartas two of the four letters he received initially. This is a method which aims to encourage the players to see more flops.

The tournaments Escalator intend to compensate players who come farther in tournaments. In the early levels, the blinds are almost Turbo, but over time the tournament each level increases, giving players the best playing conditions.

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